ircb 0.1.1 released!

Today, ircb gets 0.1.1 release. It’s a minor release with some bugfixes post 0.1 release: Fix handling nick AWAY command Fixes around SSL options in networks create CLI. make –ssl option of flag type make –ssl-verify option of Choice type We’re now gearing up for our upcoming 0.2 release. Don’t forget to check it out, if you want to be part of the action.

January 1, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath

ircb 0.1 released!

ircb gets it’s initial 0.1 release! ircb is a versatile IRC Bouncer, made for scale. It was born out of our sheer requirements for a better IRC bouncer when hosting the demo instance of waartaa. A bouncer that: scales to multiple hosts, to overcome connection limitations put by IRC servers on a single host accepts multiple simultaneous client connections for the same IRC connection A sane API to control it has awesome dashboard and analytics, built in We plan to ship ircb as a standalone, consumable product....

December 20, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath