Getting started with atomicapp

atomicapp is a reference implementation of the Nulecule Specification. It can be used to bootstrap container applications and to install and run them. atomicapp is designed to be run in a container context. Examples using this tool may be found in the Nulecule library. If you want to know the internals of atomicapp, how it works, etc., or contribute to it’s development, this post is for you. Setup Install python virtualenv utils virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments....

February 3, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Atomicapp 0.3.0 released!

Atomicapp gets 0.3.0 release! A major highlight of this release is the new provider: Marathon. Apart from this, numerous other features and bug fixes and changes went into this release: A complete refactor of our OpenShift provider (API comm rather than oc command) Support for oc new-app deployment Refactor on CLI commands and options Optios such as –answers-conf can now be used anywhere on the command line As always, any contributions are highly appreciated....

December 18, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath