Migrated blog to run inside a container

Today, I migrated my Ghost blog to a Docker container running on CentOS 7. The config and content data for the blog has been pushed to https://github.com/rtnpro/rtnpro.com. The setup was pretty simple. git clone https://github.com/rtnpro/rtnpro.com cd rtnpro.com # Allow sharing this directory with a Docker container sudo chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t ./ # Allow nginx access port 2368 expose from Docker container sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 2368 # Run container sudo docker run -d -ti -p 2368:2368 \ --name rtnpro_com_ghost \ -v $(pwd):/var/lib/ghost \ -v $(pwd)/themes:/usr/src/ghost/content/themes \ -e NODE_ENV=production \ ptimof/ghost cp nginx....

June 18, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Moving to Ghost

Today, I migrated my blog: http://www.rtnpro.com to Ghost. I was previously writing blogs and maintaining my static blog website using Nikola. I like Nikola for being a very featureful and powerful static blog generator. I find the ReStructuredText format handy when generating complex HTML, and especially, I fell in love with the custom RST shortcuts provided by Nikola. But, flexibility breeds complexity. Why migrate? A blog post should be simple and easily renderable in blog aggregators....

February 28, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath