Enabling publish-service for ClusterIP nginx-ingress controller service

Currently, nginx-ingress controller can be run as a ClusterIP type service, however, it does not allow publishing this service’s endpoints to associated ingress objects. As a result, external-dns is not able to detect these ingress objects without any IP Address to create/update A DNS records for them. Why? Many may argue that why will someone need DNS records for ingress objects using ClusterIP type nginx-ingress service. They aren’t reachable from outside the kubernetes cluster, anyways....

August 22, 2019 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Rootconf/Devconf 2017

This year’s Rootconf was special as it also hosted Devconf for the first time in India. The conference took place at MLR Convention Centre, JP Nagar, Bangalore on 11-12 May, 2017. The event had 2 parallel tracks running, 1 was for Rootconf and the other one for Devconf. Rootconf is a place like other Hasgeek events where you get to see friends and make new friends, learn about what they are up to and share your stints....

May 24, 2017 · Ratnadeep Debnath

CentOS Community Container Pipeline

CentOS Community Container Pipeline empowers running a container registry (currently at https://registry.centos.org) to facilitate upstream and distro components to be delivered in a format suitable to be consumed by container tool chains on CentOS Linux.It enables upstream projects to build, test and deliver latest and safest container images, everytime and effortlessly (or with minimal efforts). Problem statement Containers are a great way to package and deliver applications and there are loads of container images around....

April 14, 2017 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Pycon Pune 2017

2017 saw a new chapter of Pycon in India, Pycon Pune. Pycon Pune 2017 felt more community focused, had loads of upstream contributors as speakers and participants, community booths (Pyladies, PSF) and loads of hacking. Pycon Pune 2017 was a 4 day event, from 16 Feb - 19 Feb. The first 2 days were conference days, and the remainder 2 were for devsprints. This was my first year as a Pycon volunteer....

February 21, 2017 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Failed to load SELinux policy. Freezing

In this post, I will tell you how to fix “Failed to load SELinux policy. Freezing” issue and reboot your Fedora with SELinux set to Enforcing. It was the first day of Flock 2016, when I was working on my demos, that my laptop failed to boot after a bad system halt. The error was: systemd[1]: Failed to load SELinux policy. Freezing. I was running Fedora 23 on my laptop with SELinux set to enforcing....

August 18, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Basic video editing with ffmpeg

The following is my cheat sheet for basic video editing with ffmpeg split When I want to split a video input.mkv from 10s to 30s and save it as output.mkv: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -ss 10 -t 30 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mkv concatenate Let’s say, I want to join (concatenate) 2 video (or audio) files: part1.mkv, part2.mkv into a single file: joined.mkv. I will first create a file: input.txt with the following content:...

August 17, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Flock 2016

This year, Flock took place in Krakow, Poland from Aug 2 - Aug 5, 2016. I reached at Krakow on July 31, 2016. Day 0 Next day, we met other attendees who started coming down from various places. In the afternoon, we went out for a city tour, visited Oskar Schindler’s Enamel Factory, had lunch and returned back to the hotel. In the evening, we headed out to a nearby mall to have dinner with fellow attendees....

August 13, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath

A typical day from my life

Today, I will be speaking about a typical, healthy and active day from my life. This is about a lifestyle I was able to attain and sustain, discovered during the course of my journey to become fit and stronger. Some time ago, I was leading a very undisciplined life, working day and night, eating whatever’s palatable, and I was getting fatter and fatter, reached up to 83 Kgs. Around 2 years back, I started my journey to become fit and get back into shape....

July 6, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Migrated blog to run inside a container

Today, I migrated my Ghost blog to a Docker container running on CentOS 7. The config and content data for the blog has been pushed to https://github.com/rtnpro/rtnpro.com. The setup was pretty simple. git clone https://github.com/rtnpro/rtnpro.com cd rtnpro.com # Allow sharing this directory with a Docker container sudo chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t ./ # Allow nginx access port 2368 expose from Docker container sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 2368 # Run container sudo docker run -d -ti -p 2368:2368 \ --name rtnpro_com_ghost \ -v $(pwd):/var/lib/ghost \ -v $(pwd)/themes:/usr/src/ghost/content/themes \ -e NODE_ENV=production \ ptimof/ghost cp nginx....

June 18, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Storing IRC logs for Fedora Hubs

We have started working to power realtime IRC chat on Fedora Hubs pages, using Waartaa. We plan to load the Waartaa chat widget as an <iframe> inside Fedora Hubs. The user story we are looking forward to create is as follows. A user logs in to Fedora Hubs using his FAS account. He then creates a network connection to IRC and connects to the IRC server. Under the hood, it will run an ircb bot for the user’s IRC connection in waartaa....

April 21, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath