Wrote a patch for kettu, web interface for transmssion

Kettu is the new web interface for transmission bit torrent client. It is written using javascript and jquery. I wrote a small patch for kettu to filter the torrents on the basis of activity. Here activity means if the torrent is either uploading or downloading, i.e, upload_speed + download_speed > 0 KBps. Here’ s the patch I wrote : diff –git a/index.html b/index.html index 2a8ff97..b54b6b4 100644 — a/index.html +++ b/index.html...

April 5, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

An introduction to Linux Device Drivers - #1

Today we’ll be discussing a basic c code, the famous hello.c, which will be loaded as a kernel module and discuss some of the basic aspects related to it. #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> MODULE_LICENSE (“GPL”); // included in module.h, tells about the license the code is having. static int __init hello_init (void) { printk (KERN_ALERT “Hello, worldn”); return 0; } static void __exit hello_exit (void) { printk (KERN_ALERT “Goodbyen”); }...

January 29, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

An introduction to Linux Device Drivers - #0

I’ll be honest, I am neither a kernel hacker nor a device driver writer, but I want to be one. I am studying the Linux Device Drivers 3, the LDD 3. It is an effort from my end to document what I have understood from reading the LDD 3. There might be some errors or misinterpretation on my part and I will be glad if anyone corrects me. I will be trying to keep the things as correct as possible....

January 29, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

rtnpro @ Ganga Sagar Mela, 2010

We ( me, Bama and Subhrodeep) left for Ganga Sagar Mela from ISKCON, Mayapur along with ISKCON devotees on the Monday morning of Jan 11, 2010. We had lots of fun in the bus. Fisrt, our bus was special. It was the bus in which there was the Gour Nitai deity. We started the journey with Narsimha Arati and we prayed for a safe journey. Then we chanted the holy names and the devotees from outside India started melodious kirtans....

January 19, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Installed Fedora 12 on Dell XPS M1530 :)

Yesterday, I finally completed downloading the Fedora 12 i686 DVD iso. I then tried to install Fedora 12 from iso, as I did when I installed Fedora 11 from its ISO image. But this time, when it came to customizing the packages, it was asking for a network connection to get the softwares from the online repositories ( when no Install Disc was inserted) and when I kept the F11 DVD inserted in my laptop, it took the package list from the F11 DVD....

November 24, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Fedora 11 offline mirror setup at BCREC

Saturday, 31 October, 2009 I set up an offline Fedora 11 mirror in BCREC. I used the fedx makefile for the purpose of syncing the repository from my pocket HDD to the mirror PC ( an HP dual core system with Fedora 10 installed in it). I then setup a dhcpd server in the machine with the help of gdhcpd. I wrote a how to use the service and put it on the Desktop....

November 2, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

IMPS Workshop 12 - 14 October, 2009

11th October, 2009, I, Kishan and Meejanur started our journey to Malda for the workshop at IMPS College. We boarded the Gour Express from Burdhaman Junction at 00:30 Hrs 12-10-2009. Kushal and Harsh boarded the same train from Sealdah. We reached Malda Town at around 6 AM in the morning. We got together in the station and had some chit-chat amongst ourselves. Kushal was taken to a hotel for his stay and we were taken to the college hostel by the college vehicle ( Maruti Omni)....

October 25, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

A long night ... fedX + get rpmfusion repo

I became desperate yesterday night to do some useful things, anything. Had a long offline Puja Holidays. I was struggling to understand “How to write Makefiles”, and yesterday it clicked and I ended up writing a Makefile for the ongoing fedX project. Though the makefile which I wrote is not that great, but I have a start now. Committed the changes to the fedX repository at http://gitorious.org/~rtnpro/fedx/rtnpros-fedx-clone/ It was around 4:00 AM in the morning already....

October 4, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Software Freedom Day 2009, Kolkata

On 15th September, 2009 the Software Freedom Day was celebrated in The CSI Auditorium, Computer Society of India, Kolkata Chapter, 5, Elgin Road, 4th Floor, Kolkata – 700020 The following talks and discussions were planned for the SFD 2009, Kolkata : A. Mani to speak on “The Fedora Project” J. P. Mathews to speak on “Using Linux on PCs with limited resources” Ratnadeep Debnath(me) to speak on “Fedora-12 Highlights” Snehashish Chakraborty to speak on “RabbitMQ”...

October 3, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Puja Holidays in Guwahtai

Happy Durga Puja to all. It has been a long run since I left for Durgapur after the Software Freedom Day,2009 at Kolkata. I reached Howrah station at around 8:15 PM on 15th September 2009. Though I got an e-ticket for Durgapur in the Danapur Express which was about to leave from Howrah at 9:35 PM, I still didn’t have a hard copy. I thought I could get a print out at the station from the ....

September 26, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath