Working with some bluetooth coding :)

It’s been quite some time since I started poking with bluetooth coding, but didn’t understand it much. But it was quite some moment this afternoon. I was trying to study the rfcomm source code, and finally could able to find out the part of the code responsible for the “bind” option for rfcomm. Had a code already for scanning for nearby bluetooth devices. Edited some of theirs codes, added some lines, and came up with a code in c which scans for nearby bluetooth devices, displays them, asks the users to choose one of the devices to bind, and accordingly binds that device....

May 8, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

DGPLUG Fedora Activity Day, 2009

A Fedora Activity Day is going to be conducted by the Linux Users’ Group of Durgapur, DGPLUG in Dr. B. C. Roy Engneering College, Durgapur on 14 May, 2009. The agenda of this FAD is to increase FOSS awareness among the students of BCREC and to introduce them to the wide spectrum of things that they can do in Linux in their day to day life. Fedora is not just an operating system, it is a community comprised of people coming from different walks of life, yet all believing in the foundations of Fedora...

May 6, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

How to create an ssh key?

I’m not going to talk on the theory of ssh key encryption and all, but how to create one. OpenSSH is needed to be installed in the system to create an ssh key. Generally, OpenSSH comes with Fedora. But, anyways you can do: $ yum install openssh to install it. Once it is installed, do the following : $ ssh-keygen -t rsa You will be prompted to enter the location to store the ssh key files, press Enter for default....

May 5, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

How to setup a GPRS internet connection in Linux via bluetooth ...

Often I hear questions like this “How do I connect to the internet from linux via my bluetooth mobile phone GPRS?” Yes, there are ways to do that, but telling a newbie to go to the terminal and do hcitool scan, rfcomm, etc. spooks him out. And also The system-config-network, while setting up a Modem Connection through it, one has to com across port numbers, baud rate, etc. and a user not used to Linux, most of the time finds these things weird, especially the users....

April 29, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Fiasco trying to upgrade fs from ext3 to ext4

It was afternoon when I tried my hands on trying to upgrade my filesysten from ext3 to ext4. I referred to : As mentioned… I did the following : <code style="white-space:nowrap;color:#495988;background-color:white;"># tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/<em>VolGroup00/LogVol00</em> <code style="white-space:nowrap;color:#495988;background-color:white;"># e2fsck -fD /dev/<em>VolGroup00/LogVol00</em> After quite some time, the procedure finally completed. I was so delighted that I did a sytem reboot to find that my system won’t boot. The reason, I didn’t update my kernel ramdisk image, and it tried to mount the / partition as ext3 and failed as the partition has already become ext4....

April 14, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Really inspiring!!!

Everyone makes mistakes… It’s nothing to be ashamed of Don’t let this mistake go to waste Be able to smile as you walk Yes, I breathe in the quiet air, And raise my face toward the sky and jump in If it rains, I’ll take a break And let the wind decide where I go I carry along many regrets But letting these wounds go to waste is stupid...

April 9, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

rtnpro starts his blueZ journey...

Just now … I wrote my first ever blueZ code, a simple one though, that too, from an online tutorial at Its a nice tutorial for newbies like me to get started with blueZ. First of all, I needed to setup my blueZ development environment. Since I use Fedora 10, I did the following yum install -y bluez-libs bluez-libs-devel libgdbus libgdbus-devel Also, one can manually install it from the source packages available at...

April 6, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Resolved Kernel boot problem :D

I am using Fedora 10 and I was running the kernel and I was happy until I did a ‘yum update’. My kernel got updated to kernel, and then the system won’t boot the latest kernel. While booting it gave a mesage : Unable to access resume device (/dev/dm-1) mount : could not find filesystem ‘/dev/root’ I wondered what had happened? But, the old kernel seemed to work perfectly....

March 11, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Bijra Project Updates

It has been quite some time I blogged on our ongoing classes. And how are we doing? So far it’s been quite some good experience taking classes in Bijra High School. Hope to make it better and better. Lately, classes were taken in Bijra High School on 4/3/2009 and on 6/3/2009. Let me remember…mmm…what did we do out there on 4th March…I remember now : We were lucky to get the 11:20 B-Zone bus to Kataberia....

March 10, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

What an install Fest in Kalyani Govt. Engg. College! :O

It was on 21 February 2009, that there was a Fedora Activity Day and an Install Fest in Kalyani Govt. Engg. College, Kalyani. It was one of its kind with students craving to register for it. The seminar hall was packed. This was a rare scene. But it indicated that the young students at KGEC are really fired up to bring a change. The seminar started at 11:30 AM. There were around 140 students in the seminar hall....

February 22, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath