Finally...VirtualBox installed in F10....

After some googling, I finally got some How-To install VirtualBox in Fedora 10. The problems that I was facing with VirtualBox is that I was unable to compile the kernel module of VirtualBox successfully. Following are the steps for setting up VirtualBox in a 32-bit Fedora 10 system. Steps: 1) Open the terminal and go to the super user mode : su - 2)Download the latest VirtualBox package for Fedora 9/10 from...

January 18, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Finally I installed Fedora 10 in my Dell XPS M1530

Yesterday, on 2nd January, 2009, I finally installed Fedora in my Dell XPS M1530. The installation went fine and it was great to see a new glossy installation screen. After the installation, Plimouth is also working fine, but I had to add a kernel option for that— vga=0x318 The graphics was ok , but not perfect without the Nvidia drivers. Then I set enabled on my system and downloaded the Nvidia drivers from there....

January 3, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

I stumbled across a few new stuffs today...

To find the PCI ID of a particular device use the lspci command. depending on the version and usage of the lspci command various output is shown. In Fedora, I use the following to identify the PCI ID (Note: the grep is added to filter the output): $ /sbin/lspci -nn | grep ‘VGA|NV’ 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] [10de:0322] (rev a1) Use the PCI ID and look it up under Appendix A....

December 29, 2008 · Ratnadeep Debnath

I wrote a shell script...

We were facing a lot of difficulties in setting up Fedora after the installation. Reason? Poor internet connection in the locality. It was a great dissatisfaction for me and Kishan (my friend) and also for the newbies. To resolve this, Arindam Ghosh gave me a copy of “Fedora-mirror” and taught me the How-Tos to setup an offline Fedora-mirror and do the requisite installations. It was really a needed gift for us....

December 29, 2008 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Fedora 10 issues with X Server

Exams ended, and today in the morning I was heading as fast as I can towards my Mess to get my hands on the Fedora 10 DVD. Also I had to fix some issues regarding another Fedora 10 installation in my friend’s notebook, which is a Compaq Presario with Nvidia graphics card. The thing that I found there was that his X-server was not running. I tried to peek into the xorg....

December 19, 2008 · Ratnadeep Debnath

A bolt from the blue!

12 December was my Maths examination. As most of my friends know that maths and I don’t get along. But this instant was a little more than expected. I took heavy pounding from the Maths paper. Now I am all flat, lying in bed, and blogging and trying to shed off the frustration…

December 12, 2008 · Ratnadeep Debnath

What a GREAT NEWS!!!! Dunno whether to be happy or sad

Its 3:00 PM , 1 December 2003. Just now I got my medical report and I am very happy to see that I recovered from Hepatitis. The Bilirubin level is 0.8 now. What a relief! But not for long. Do you know why? Semester exam starts from 4th December. Pressure from all the ends. Last week was a long frustrating week. We had practical exams. Bruised like anything in the electronics and electrical viva voce, but PPL practical exam was great....

December 1, 2008 · Ratnadeep Debnath


I am Ratnadeep Debnath a.k.a. rtnpro. I am an open source evangelist and contributor. I graduated in Computer Science and Engineering in 2011. I have been a Fedora user since 2008 and I contribute to the Fedora project as an ambassador, packager and a developer. I also contribute to the Transifex project. I started contributing to the Transifex project in the early days of 2011. Then I did a paid internship at Indifex from June, 2011 to August, 2011 on the Transifex project....

December 1, 2008 · Ratnadeep Debnath