Fedora meetup, Bangalore, June 2015

We again met at Starbucks Coffee, Indiranagar on June 6, 2015 at 5:30 PM for our monthly Fedora meetup in Bangalore. Attendees: Ratnadeep Debnath Lalatendu Mohanty Nitish Bharadwaj Topics discussed: Openstack setup and overview Vagrant on Fedora, it’s quirks and how we can make it more awesome Statscache demo How to start contributing to Fedora infra This meetup was one of the most fruitful Fedora meetups in Bangalore. We had folks from different communities (Project Atomic, Openstack) to add more value to the meetup....

June 9, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Rootconf 2015

Last month, May 15-16, there was Rootconf in Bangalore. Rootconf is a premier conference for devops and system administrators. The highlights of this Rootconf were SaltStack, RancherOS, Project Atomic, PostgreSQL, etc. We also had Fedora presence in the conference. 3 Fedora ambassadors: Aditya Patawari, Praveen Kumar and myself were present at the event. We distributed Fedora 21 workstation DVDs at the registration desk and announced about FUDCON Pune, 2015 as well....

June 4, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Fedora meetup, Bangalore, May 2015

We again met at Starbucks Coffee, Indiranagar on May 2, 2015 at 6 PM for our monthly Fedora meetup in Bangalore. Like the meetup in the month of April, there were only 2 attendees: myself and Sayan Chowdhury. Well, we are used to such things and were not disheartened. As decided over the mailing list, we discussed on the hot topics from in the Fedora Cloud ecosystem: Project Atomic Docker Kubernetes We also explored docker-swarm, consul and discussed on how to build autoscaling cluster with these....

May 9, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Started working at Idea Device

This month, i.e., April, 2015, I started working for Idea Device Technologies as a Member of Technical Staff. I will be mostly working on backend stuffs here and help build scalable tools for infrastructure automation. Idea Device is mostly a Python shop using Pyramid, gevent, etc. to the fullest apart from other awesome technologies. However, its not just the tech stack that got me attracted towards Idea Device, the folks that make Idea Device as well....

April 30, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Meeting reminders in fedocal

fedocal 0.13 release makes it possible for anyone to download iCal file for a meeting and brings support for client side notifications. You can do this in the following ways: Click on a meeting in fedocal In the meeting modal/page, click on the iCal export link to download iCal file for that particular meeting. You can also export iCal file for the meeting with reminder info in by checking the reminder checkbox beside the iCal export link, and then clicking on the iCal export link....

March 31, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Fedora meetup, Bangalore, March 2015

We resumed our monthly meetups in Bangalore on the March 7, 2015. We’ve now decided to hold Fedora meetup in Bangalore on the 1st Saturday of every month. Here’s link to our event on Fedora Calendar: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/2036/. We met at Starbucks Coffee, Indiranagar. at 6 PM. It was good place to chat and had free wifi internet too. We were 4 people. We discussed on: upcoming Fedora 22 release contributing to testing Fedora 22 images contributing to Fedora Infra We were also having some discussions on #fedora-apps on Freenode during the meetup regarding various tasks we’re handling and brainstorming on new ideas....

March 14, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Moving to Ghost

Today, I migrated my blog: http://www.rtnpro.com to Ghost. I was previously writing blogs and maintaining my static blog website using Nikola. I like Nikola for being a very featureful and powerful static blog generator. I find the ReStructuredText format handy when generating complex HTML, and especially, I fell in love with the custom RST shortcuts provided by Nikola. But, flexibility breeds complexity. Why migrate? A blog post should be simple and easily renderable in blog aggregators....

February 28, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Fedora 21 release party, Bangalore

Last Saturday, on Jan 10, 2015, we had a Fedora 21 release party in Bangalore. It was held in the premises of Red Hat, Bangalore with the help and support of Archit and Humble, who are working at Red Hat, Bangalore. Registration for the event started from around 9:30 AM and slowly people started dropping in. Over 40 people had turned up for the event. We started the event at around 10:30 AM with Archit giving an introduction about Fedora....

January 14, 2015 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Fedora meetup, Bangalore

Today, we had a Fedora meetup in Bangalore, at HackerEarth’s office. Although, there were only 4 attendees including ourselves: myself, Sayan, Ashwin and Puneet, we made the most out of the meetup. The meetup lasted from morning 11 AM to around 3 PM. Following is a summary of our activities during the meetup: Discussed about the upcoming Fedora 21 release Planning for a release party for Fedora 21 in Bangalore Ashwin shared his knowledge on embedded systems Puneet knows C++, so, we asked Puneet to start working with KDE and Qt A few bugfixes in fedora-infra: pkgdb2 and FMN Planning for a Fedora and open source orientation event in Ashwin’s college It was great to meet with like minded folks interested in technology and Open Source and hack with them....

November 2, 2014 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Waartaa stats

try.waartaa.com has been live since January, 2014. We have got quite some signups and some folks actively using Waartaa. Thanks to our code level optimizations, which has led to storage complexity for channel chat logs dependent only number of unique channels being listened to. We’re also able to achieve good real time performace in our demo instance with ever growing chat logs. It’s time to publish some stats about our demo instance....

October 27, 2014 · Ratnadeep Debnath