Quite some time ... since I wrote last

A lot has happened since I last blogged. I’m now not going to recollect my memories :P. Any ways, if I were to summarise, I was busy with college seminars, project reports, semester exams, etc. What a drag! After the exams ended, I felt like a free bird ready to fly high. I started studying Django. I am also revising python. Yesterday, I packaged python-keyring-0.5.1 for F14. It fixes some bugs in keyring v 0....

January 11, 2011 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Installed scribe beta in my Nokia C5

I was tired of searching for a mobile blog app. Alas! WordPress blogging app is not for Nokia C5. Finally, I came across scribe, a blog app for s60 platforms. It’s written in Python. This is my first blog using Scribe.

December 6, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Updated Wordgroupz-1.xo

Gary designed the new icon for wordgroupz activity for sugar. Uploaded the bundle at http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/wordgroupz/Wordgroupz-1.xotoday.Can anyone suggest a nice activity name for wordgroupz for the Sugar Desktop Environment?

October 19, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

coding for lekhonee-gnome

Lately, I have been studying the code of lekhonee-gnome. It is written in vala. I wrote a patch for it to allow saving of drafts locally after every 30 seconds. I submitted it to the upstream, kushal for approval. Now, I am testing another patch of mine for lekhonee-gnome. Previously, whenever one used to press “Publish” button, the written post is cleared from the editor. Once, due to network problems, the post was not published, and with it my post was also cleared from the editor....

October 19, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

coding for lekhonee-gnome

Lately, I have been studying the code of lekhonee-gnome. It is written in vala. I wrote a patch for it to allow saving of drafts locally after every 30 seconds. I submitted it to the upstream, kushal for approval. Now, I am testing another patch of mine for lekhonee-gnome. Previously, whenever one used to press “Publish” button, the written post is cleared from the editor. Once, due to network problems, the post was not published, and with it my post was also cleared from the editor....

October 19, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

worgroupz version 0.3.1 released

Nothing new in the version 0.3.1 though. I removed the dependency on the python-nltk library. Extracted the requisite code from the python-nltk library to access only the wordnet dictionary. Also, there has been some clean ups. Future plans:I am thnking to get rid of the dependency on the wordnet package as it brings in some other unnecessary dependency like Tcl. I am thinking of providing the wordnet dictionary as a default plugin....

October 15, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Purchased Nokia C5 - great value for money

Last week was bad. My Nokia 5310’s keypad stopped working, then my BSNL 3G data card broke. I could hardly be online the last week. Yesterday, I purchased Nokia C5 and it seems to be a good investment. I had to pay Rs 7,620 only for it. Compared to the price, the features are great. You can see the features of this phone from http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_c5-3122.php. It has got a 600 MHz ARM 11 processor, 128 MB RAM, USB charging....

September 30, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

wordgroupz version 0.3 released

It is pleasure to inform that wordgroupz has now stepped into version 0.3 It has been quite some time since I have been working on wordgroupz v 0.3b. In this period wordgroupz went through a lot of changes. To sum up, the features in wordgroupz v 0.3 are : You can add words into different groups. In other words, you can classify different obscure words under a common group name which is easy for you to remember....

September 9, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

wordgroupz development news

Lately, I worked on fine tuning the code for wordgroupz. I fixed some bugs that I was aware of, like unable to parse data retrieved from wiktionary pages which did not have any ‘Contents’ field, error launching games when no words in db, some bugs in webster view, etc. Now, I have added a dialog which will show a message saying ‘Not enough data’ if the number of words in the db are not enough for playing games....

August 29, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

wordGroupz development News

Although, I had added the accuracy for the words in wordGroupz in the treeview, it was not satisfactory. First, the app crashed whenever I added a new word to the database. I fixed that easily. But then, the new word would show its accuracy as 0% even before attempting to answer it. I decided to set the CellRendererProgress bar text to ‘New’ for new/not attempted words. I got some help for IRC Nick: Juhaz at #pygtk in GimpNet....

August 24, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath