Software Freedom Day 2009, Kolkata

On 15th September, 2009 the Software Freedom Day was celebrated in The CSI Auditorium, Computer Society of India, Kolkata Chapter, 5, Elgin Road, 4th Floor, Kolkata – 700020 The following talks and discussions were planned for the SFD 2009, Kolkata : A. Mani to speak on “The Fedora Project” J. P. Mathews to speak on “Using Linux on PCs with limited resources” Ratnadeep Debnath(me) to speak on “Fedora-12 Highlights” Snehashish Chakraborty to speak on “RabbitMQ”...

October 3, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Finally...VirtualBox installed in F10....

After some googling, I finally got some How-To install VirtualBox in Fedora 10. The problems that I was facing with VirtualBox is that I was unable to compile the kernel module of VirtualBox successfully. Following are the steps for setting up VirtualBox in a 32-bit Fedora 10 system. Steps: 1) Open the terminal and go to the super user mode : su - 2)Download the latest VirtualBox package for Fedora 9/10 from...

January 18, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath