An introduction to Linux Device Drivers - #1

Today we’ll be discussing a basic c code, the famous hello.c, which will be loaded as a kernel module and discuss some of the basic aspects related to it. #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> MODULE_LICENSE (“GPL”); // included in module.h, tells about the license the code is having. static int __init hello_init (void) { printk (KERN_ALERT “Hello, worldn”); return 0; } static void __exit hello_exit (void) { printk (KERN_ALERT “Goodbyen”); }...

January 29, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

How to create an ssh key?

I’m not going to talk on the theory of ssh key encryption and all, but how to create one. OpenSSH is needed to be installed in the system to create an ssh key. Generally, OpenSSH comes with Fedora. But, anyways you can do: $ yum install openssh to install it. Once it is installed, do the following : $ ssh-keygen -t rsa You will be prompted to enter the location to store the ssh key files, press Enter for default....

May 5, 2009 · Ratnadeep Debnath