After some googling, I finally got some How-To install VirtualBox in Fedora 10. The problems that I was facing with VirtualBox is that I was unable to compile the kernel module of VirtualBox successfully.  Following are the steps for setting up VirtualBox in a 32-bit Fedora 10 system.


1) Open the terminal and go to the super user mode :

su -

2)Download the latest VirtualBox package for Fedora 9/10 from

and install it

3)Get the kernel-devel package :

yum install make automake autoconf gcc kernel-devel dkms

4)Run the setup file for VirtualBox :

/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

5)Add the desired user-names to the VirtualBox user groups and fix the SE Linux permissions :

usermod -G vboxusers -a username<br></br>
chcon -t textrel_shlib_t /usr/lib/virtualbox/```

6) Run, and enjoy!


**7) To Get USB Support: **

1 – create a new group called “usb”;
2 – locate file usbfs: in my case is /sys/bus/usb/drivers (I suggest to find the file with a usb device inserted;
3 – modify file /etc/fstab inserting a line containing the right path and the number corresponding the “usb” group :
none /sys/bus/usb/drivers usbfs devgid=503,devmode=664 0 0
4 – command mount -a;
5 – start VB and try…;

8 ) Note: VirtualBox is not compatible with kvm, which is an addition in Fedora 10 :

Disable the kvm kernel modules before running VirtualBox in the following way

modprobe -r kvm-intel         (or kvm-amd for amd systems)

modprobe -r kvm