This is the first time I am packaging a software.
I chose xnoise. I have been using xnoise (compiled
from the source repository) for sometime and I like it.

What is Xnoise?

Xnoise can play every kind of audio/video data that gstreamer
can handle. Xnoise uses a tracklist centric design and uses
a hierarchical tree structure media browser. It also has a
plugin interface. Xnoise is always running in a single instance,
so that music files that are associated with it, will always be
added to the tracklist instead of starting a new instance.

Xnoise is written in vala. This means it is compiled to pure
Gobject/C and therfore very fast and lightweight compared
with other Gtk music players written in mono or python.

License :

The license of xnoise is GNU GPL v2 or later. There is a
license exeption for the distribution together with non-GPL
compatible gstreamer plugins.

]( SRPM URL : Bugzilla URL : Koji scratch build URL : SRPM URL :
Bugzilla URL :
Koji scratch build URL :