How do you setup Transifex?

Here is all you need to know to setup Transifex: is another good write-up on how to setup and run Transifex in virtualenv. So, I’d be building on top of that to show you how to start testing Transifex using django-nose.

What packages will you need?

django-nose, nose, nose-exclude, coverage

You can install the above packages using

pip install <package_name>

Configure Transifex settings to enable django-nose Test Runner

cd <transifex source code's root directory>

cd transifex/settings

cp  90-local.conf.sample 90-local.conf

open and edit 90-local.conf and add the following lines:




TEST_RUNNER = ‘django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner’

cd ..

Now, save the file. Now you are good to go.

Start testing

python test <app_name><br></br>
for example:

python test resources<br></br>
You can also test a particular test class like below:

python test resources.tests:TestJavaProperties

You can even run a particular test method:

python test resources.tests:TestJavaProperties.test_properties_parser<br></br>
Run coverage on Transifex tests

django-nose has a plugin for coverage. So, you can run the above tests and collect coverage data.

For example:

python test resources.tests:TestJavaProperties.test_properties_parser --with-coverage --cover-package=resources.tests.formats

All the coverage results are saved in a .coverge file by default in the current directory. Although, running tests with coverage plugin of django-nose shows the coverage results by default. You can also see the coverage results in the usual way:

coverage -rm

You can also use grep along with the above command to filter the results displayed.

Well, that’s all you need to know to start testing Transifex.

What’s next?

Start testing transifex. If you find a test fails, try to find the reason why it failed. Read the traceback info properly. Find where the error took place. There are various reasons why a test may fail:

  • Test is not updated according to updates in code
  • Bug in code
  • A wrong test case

and others…

You can report the issues or any bug you find at Feel free to submit a patch that fixes the issue. The patch will be reviewed by the Transifex upstream and if it is ok, it will be merged with Transifex’s code at

Keep hacking :)