has been live since January, 2014. We have got quite some signups and some folks actively using Waartaa. Thanks to our code level optimizations, which has led to storage complexity for channel chat logs dependent only number of unique channels being listened to. We’re also able to achieve good real time performace in our demo instance with ever growing chat logs. It’s time to publish some stats about our demo instance.
Resources Application server
Specs: 2 CPUs, 2 GB RAM (Linode VPS) Usage:
CPU: around 5% RAM: between 150 to 200 MB Database(Mongodb) server
Specs: 8 CPUs, 2 GB RAM (Linode VPS) Usgae:
CPU: less than 2% RAM: around 1.2 GB Reports User signups 100 200 300 400 500 600 Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 Jul'14 Aug'14 Sep'14 Oct'14 User signups 27 7.38461538462 207.065858799 63 48.4102564103 194.381454162 121 89.4358974359 173.945468915 19 130.461538462 209.884615385 32 171.487179487 205.304135933 56 212.512820513 196.847866175 111 253.538461538 177.468914647 70 294.564102564 191.91504215 48 335.58974359 199.666622761 28 376.615384615 206.713514226 54 7.38461538462 197.552555321 153 48.4102564103 162.670442571 332 89.4358974359 99.6007639621 249 130.461538462 128.845363541 294 171.487179487 112.989857745 374 212.512820513 84.8022918862 540 253.538461538 26.3130927292 569 294.564102564 16.0951001054 595 335.58974359 6.93414120126 603 376.615384615 4.11538461538 27 63 121 19 32 56 111 70 48 28 54 153 332 249 294 374 540 569 595 603 count/month cumulative cou… cumulative count Channel chat log stats 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M 8M 9M 10M 11M 12M 13M 14M 15M 16M 17M Jan'14 Feb'14 Mar'14 Apr'14 May'14 Jun'14 Jul'14 Aug'14 Sep'14 Oct'14 Channel chat log stats 133.252k 7.38461538462 209.884615385 828.002k 48.4102564103 201.843214179 3.67M 89.4358974359 168.944363199 567.459k 130.461538462 204.858875632 527.31k 171.487179487 205.323581234 1.277M 212.512820513 196.643300974 2.492M 253.538461538 182.588146991 2.932M 294.564102564 177.48610797 2.654M 335.58974359 180.703270327 1.415M 376.615384615 195.054674276 266.504k 7.38461538462 208.342286787 1.789M 48.4102564103 190.717155776 8.302M 89.4358974359 115.335724014 5.767M 130.461538462 144.682168095 6.254M 171.487179487 139.043510948 8.281M 212.512820513 115.57958768 11.987M 253.538461538 72.6856367051 15.36M 294.564102564 33.6427616705 17.736M 335.58974359 6.1362503728 17.911M 376.615384615 4.11538461538 133.252k 828.002k 3.67M 567.459k 527.31k 1.277M 2.492M 2.932M 2.654M 1.415M 266.504k 1.789M 8.302M 5.767M 6.254M 8.281M 11.987M 15.36M 17.736M 17.911M count/month cumulative cou… cumulative count