Today I released wordgroupz v 0.3b.
New Features -
1. Dictionary support – online webster, offline wordnet
2. Wiktionary support – lookup details of the word on wiktionary, download pronunciations if available
3. New interface
Dependencies for wordgroupz:
1) gtk, pygtk2
2) python-nltk
3) wordnet
4) pywebkitgtk
5) BeautifulSoup
To install wordgroupz for fedora:
1) download []( into /etc/yum.repos.d/
2) as root do: yum install wordgroupz
To install wordgroupz on any other linux OS:
1) download [](
2) Untar it: $tar xvf wordgroupz-0.3b.tar.gz
3) Change directory to wordgroupz-0.3b: $cd wordgroupz-0.3b
4) As root, install from
#python install
Feel free to report any bugs, new feature request or suggestions.