wordGroupz development news

wordGroupz is now slowly moving to the version 0.3 release. I launched the v0.3 b quite some time back. Since then, I have worked on many new features, adding features, deprecating old features and many random changes. In this time, wordgroupz underwent a considerable upgrade in its GUI. Based on the outcome of the games, I decided to store the accuracy of the user for each word and show a bar chart for that....

August 21, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

wordgroupz development news

Finally got time to write this post. I’ve been a lot busy lately. Had to do some changes in wordgroupz.I was working on the output display format for wordgroupz, i.e, how to show the definitions stored in the wordgroupz database. I created a policy that whenever a word is added, wordgroupz will fetch its definition from the default “Wordnet” dictionary. Then one has the option to search for more of the word’s details on wiktionary from within wordgroupz....

August 11, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Resuming work on wordgroupz

For some days, I have not been able to work on wordgroupz. I was sufferring from fever. Apart from that, I came back to Durgapur yesterday. I am, kind of, well now. Now, I started working on the saving the various details from wiktionary. Still having some problems regarding customizing wiktionary view. Some trivial issues like :* webkit.WebView.load_string(), the backward_forward list doesn’t work nicely. Rather, if you jump to a new link, you cannot come back to the original load_string page....

August 2, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

working on flash-card module for wordgroupz

Now, I am working on making the flash-card module for wordgroupz. I plan to collect the responses( incorrect/ correct) for the words. This will come to use for performance stats generation. Below are the screenshots of the flash-card module. ![](http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/images/Screenshot-games.py.png)![](http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/images/Screenshot-games.py-1.png)Suggestions are welcome ![:)]( post is brought to you by [lekhonee-gnome](http://fedorahosted.org/lekhonee) v0.9

July 25, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

wordgroupz development news

For some time now, I have been working on wordgroupz. Since version 0.2, I have added some new features. The new features include dictionary support: online webster dictionary from dict.org and offline wordnet. For implementing the online dictionary support, I used the server interface of dict.org. For offline, I used the dictionary databases of the wordnet application and the python-nltk library. I also included wiktionary support this time. I used to find it tedious opening a notebook, browser to search wikipedia/wiktionary, copy-paste notes....

July 23, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

wordgroupz v 0.3 beta released!

Today I released wordgroupz v 0.3b. New Features -1. Dictionary support – online dict.org webster, offline wordnet2. Wiktionary support – lookup details of the word on wiktionary, download pronunciations if available3. New interface![](http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/images/Screenshot-wordGroupz-2.png)![](http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/images/Screenshot-wordGroupz-3.png)Dependencies for wordgroupz:1) gtk, pygtk22) python-nltk3) wordnet4) pywebkitgtk5) BeautifulSoupTo install wordgroupz for fedora:1) download [http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/rtnpro.repo](http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/rtnpro.repo) into /etc/yum.repos.d/2) as root do: yum install wordgroupzTo install wordgroupz on any other linux OS:1) download [http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/wordgroupz/wordgroupz-0.3b.tar.gz](http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/wordgroupz/wordgroupz-0.3b.tar.gz)2) Untar it: $tar xvf wordgroupz-0.3b.tar.gz3) Change directory to wordgroupz-0....

July 23, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

wordgroupz development news

Lately, I have been working on adding new features to wordgroupz like dictionary support, wiktionary support, pronunciation support. I have also made some changes to the wordgroupz gui optimized for the new features. **wordgroupz** v 0.2 screenshot:![](http://rtnpro.fedorapeople.org/Screenshot-wordGroupz.png)![](http://home/rtnpro/Pictures/Screenshot-wordGroupz.png)The dictionary support features online dict.org webster dictionary and a offline wordnet dictionary. I used the server interface to retrieve definitions from it.I used the nltk library to retrieve definitions from wordnet dicitionary database.I implemented the wiktionary support using webkit, BeautifulSoup and urllib2....

July 22, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

FAD Pune 2010

It was a great experience at the FAD in Red Hat, Pune. The FAD was conducted for two days, 29th and 30th May, 2010. Day 01 Siddhesh took a session on autotools. The session was informative and interactive. I came to know how the big Makefile and Configure files are automatically generated from makefile.am and configure.ac (Makefile.in is first generated though, then the Makefile). Siddhesh used the linkc program for the purpose....

June 1, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Update xnoise.spec

I got a nice and long review for my first package of xnoise :). You can read the review at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=586433 I made the suggested changes – 4c4 < Summary: A media player for gtk+ — Summary: A media player for GTK+ 6c6 < License: GPLv2 — License: GPLv2+ 12c12,14 < Source0: xnoise-0.1.2.tar.gz — # make dist #to generate xnoise-0.1.2.tar.bz2 Source0: xnoise-%{version}.tar.bz2 15,16c17,20 < BuildArch: i686 < BuildRequires: vala, vala-devel, intltool, libtool, autogen, automake >= 1....

May 1, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath

RPM Packaging xnoise for fedora

This is the first time I am packaging a software. I chose xnoise. I have been using xnoise (compiled from the source repository) for sometime and I like it. What is Xnoise? Xnoise can play every kind of audio/video data that gstreamer can handle. Xnoise uses a tracklist centric design and uses a hierarchical tree structure media browser. It also has a plugin interface. Xnoise is always running in a single instance,...

April 28, 2010 · Ratnadeep Debnath