Failed to load SELinux policy. Freezing

In this post, I will tell you how to fix “Failed to load SELinux policy. Freezing” issue and reboot your Fedora with SELinux set to Enforcing. It was the first day of Flock 2016, when I was working on my demos, that my laptop failed to boot after a bad system halt. The error was: systemd[1]: Failed to load SELinux policy. Freezing. I was running Fedora 23 on my laptop with SELinux set to enforcing....

August 18, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath

Migrated blog to run inside a container

Today, I migrated my Ghost blog to a Docker container running on CentOS 7. The config and content data for the blog has been pushed to The setup was pretty simple. git clone cd # Allow sharing this directory with a Docker container sudo chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t ./ # Allow nginx access port 2368 expose from Docker container sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 2368 # Run container sudo docker run -d -ti -p 2368:2368 \ --name rtnpro_com_ghost \ -v $(pwd):/var/lib/ghost \ -v $(pwd)/themes:/usr/src/ghost/content/themes \ -e NODE_ENV=production \ ptimof/ghost cp nginx....

June 18, 2016 · Ratnadeep Debnath